SAL_MOM_FebMar19 - page 11
Family comes first.
Do you think that parenting is easier or
more challenging than when you were
growing up?
I think parenting is a lot harder now
because we have so much access to
information and other people’s opinions
through social media. We can begin to stop
trusting our own instincts and try being
“perfect” according to someone else’s
expectations. In so many ways, women
should have more information about their
bodies and their choices through pregnan-
cy and postpartum, but I also wish I had
known less about parenting. I wish
someone would have told me to trust
myself more and put down the books.
Can you tell us about one of your most
humbling mommoments?
We were sitting down to a holiday dinner.
My oldest was 5 years-old at the time. One
of our guests asked him what he wanted to
be when he grew up. Without the slightest
hesitation he said, “I want to be big and
strong like my dad and say ‘what the f**k’
like my mom.”Oye! And for quite some
time I wasn’t sure if I was more mad about
not being the “big and strong” one in his
mind or the fact that he called me out on
my dirty mouth!
No one works harder
than mom.
We know that being a mom is a full-time
job. Tell us about your work or volun-
teerism outside of the home.
I co-own a company that specializes in pre/
postnatal fitness. Jill and I are both trained
in helping women stay fit and strong
through this transitional time.
What’s the story behind Movement
Duets? How did you get started?
I’m almost positive Jill’s answer on this will
knock it out of the park.
What have you learned professionally
that has helped you as a mom?
We work with moms all the time. Being a
mother is something that can instantly
bond women. I’ve seen women who have
drastically different belief systems hold
space for one another and really listen to
one another because they have bonded in
motherhood. That’s so important.
How do you balance (or not) motherhood,
activities, work, volunteering, household
responsibilities, and life in general?
Typically, what falls through the cracks?
I don’t. The idea of balance when you are a
business owner and a mother is ridiculous.
More than anything I try to recognize when
I need to shift focus and when I need to take
a time out for self-care.
Tell us about a recent achievement you’re
proud of or personal passio
Well, I do know all the dance moves to Beat
It! But seriously, Jill and I just moved our
business into our own space. We are no
longer working for a big box gymwhere we
really couldn’t let ourselves shine or develop
our niche. We are no longer training out of
our living rooms or other offices. This is our
place. We picked every piece of equipment
and furniture in it! And, not only are we
proud of the space, but we are proud of the
center where we are located. We believe
strongly in collaborating with other
professionals so that we can give women
the best care possible and we know who to
send them to if they have a need that falls
outside our scope of practice. When our
friends at The PelvicWellness Center told us
they were looking to expand a year ago, we
asked if they would consider having a gym
in their new location. What ensued was
months of looking at different buildings;
finding a place; construction; painting;
laying floors and partnering with even more
amazing professionals (PNW Doulas, an
acupuncturist and a counselor also work out
of this wellness center). This has been a
dream of mine since I began my career as a
trainer 17 years ago!
When was the last time you failed?What
did you learn?
I fail all the time. Like, constantly. I ate
cinnamon rolls last night and don’t feel so
hot today. I watched my toddler running too
fast towards the hard edge of the couch and
didn’t catch him in time before he hit his
head. I got my husband all excited for an
evening of hard cuddling then totally fell
asleep on the couch while he put the
toddler to bed.
I’m not sure if it’s that I just turned 40 and
started caring less what people think of me,
or something else, but I started looking at
failures as opportunities. Instead of beating
myself up about failing I congratulate myself
on an opportunity to learn something. I
learn that I’m really committed to getting
some things right. Being a strong, support-
ive partner. Being a loving mother. Being a
badass business woman. Being an intersec-
tional feminist. But in order to get those
things right, I need to let go of the need to
be perfect. I need to see those things in all
of their messy glory. And I need to keep
showing up.
Do you have a goal you’d like to accom-
plish within the next five years?
Yes. In the next five years I’d like to have my
degree as a sex educator and be successful
enough in our business to hire a team and
go on annual vacations with my family
somewhere sunny—must be sunny!
If mom’s not happy,
nobody’s happy.
What do you think is themost important
life skill or value your parents taught you?
My parents taught me that every moment
is a learning opportunity. It created an
enormous amount of drive in me.
When did you realize you were no
longer a child?
I’m still waiting.
Continued on page 16
Cara Turnquist
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