Eug_Mom_1118 - page 11
Family comes first.
All families are unique. Tell us about
My community is my family. That is why I
moved back to Eugene from New York. My
mom, dad, partner and extended family
friends are how we share and acknowledge
special moments. I don’t see my family
defining my daughter but lifting her up to
explore her best self.
My daughter’s father lives in Portland, and
we have a great co-parenting relationship
where our daughter is the focus. We show
kindness and respect for each other and try
to model good cooperation, communica-
tion and listening. We also have a fish,
Mariposa. She looks like a butterfly.
What is the most fun you’ve had with
your family lately?
We love a good dance party in tutus! Brice
wants everyone in a tutu. We even put a
tutu on a tree!
What’s one of your family’s favorite
holiday traditions?
We walk. Christmas, Chanukah, Solstice,
Easter…we always go for a walk together
and laugh and talk.
Willow Jade Norton
Gets real!
Cover MOM
You might say that Cover MOM
Willow Jade Norton is a drama
mama. As a mother, director,
teacher, student, playwright and
artist, she has a lot to juggle. How
does she keep it together? A lot of
patience and the occasional tutu.
When did you know you wanted to be a
Since always. I have an incredible mom and
always knew that I wanted to be a mom
too. I even gave birth at the same age my
mom was when she had me.
Tell us about one of your proudest mom
Every time Brice shares, when she is kind,
when she is compassionate and apprecia-
tive, when she displays gratitude, I am
proud. I am proud to be participating in
the growth of a good being in the world.
At Brice’s third birthday party, she had a lot
of presents. After just a couple, she said,
“I’m good, Moma.” And I said, “Honey, there
are more gifts to open from people.” And
she said, “Let’s give them to kids that don’t
have toys. ‘Cause that’s sad.”
Now tell us about one of your most
humbling mommoments.
So many! Whenever Brice throws a fit over
a toy or crumbles on the ground fighting
against wearing a coat or acts ungrateful—
these are the moments when I realize that
I still have a lot of learning to do.
Tell us about one of the funniest things
your daughter has said that you
threaten to retell on her prom night or
wedding day.
Brice used to get very upset about pooping
and say, when she would need to go,
“Again?! Why does this keep happening?!”
In what way is your daughter like you?
How is she different?
Brice is particular like me. She knows what
she wants and can articulate that desire.
She is also like me in that we are not star
athletes. When other kids are running
around jumping off things, she asks,
“Moma, why they so crazy?”We both also
have a lot of empathy.
What do you wish for your daughter?
Good health, happiness, gratitude, family,
inspiration, achievement, joy, passion and
No one works harder
than mom.
We know that being a mom is a full-time
job. Tell us about your work or volun-
teerism outside of the home.
I am a full-time Graduate Student pursuing
a Master’s in Nonprofit Management with
an Arts and Cultural Leadership Certificate
at the University of Oregon. I teach Original
Works Theater classes for The Village
School and Lane Community College. I
direct plays regionally and currently am
developing a new play on the homeless
situation in Eugene. I am a Teaching Artist
for Imagine That Eugene and Tectonic
Theater Project in New York City. Plus a
founding board member of ArtCity.
How do you balance (or not) mother-
hood, activities, work, volunteering,
household responsibilities and life in
Family. Family. Family. Community. My
mom, Marla; my dad, Ron; his partner, Vicki
and my incredible village here in Eugene
make my artistic aspirations possible. It
does take a village, and I know my
daughter is better off with this large
network of people to offer her different
skill sets and opportunities to enrich her
character. Going into nature, practicing
yoga, scheduling time to sleep, eating well,
journaling and making time to be playful
continued on page 14
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