EUG_AprilMay_19.indd - page 11
Janie Anderson
Gets real!
Cover MOM
Continued on page 12
All moms want to keep their families safe and secur . For Cover MOM
and Director of Business Development for Security Monster Janie
Anderson, it’s her business. She’s also mom to two active boys and one
adorable, hypoallergenic dog. What’s her advice for other busy moms?
“Stop comparing yourself to other moms! No one has it figured out.”
Family comes first.
All families are unique. Tell us about yours.
My husband and I have been together 21
years. We were high school sweethearts. We
have two wonderful boys and have started a
Every family has their own traditions,
rituals or inside jokes. What’s one of yours?
This is a little more embarrassing than
anything. My husband whistles at our boys to
grab their attention rather yelling their names.
Do you think that parenting is easier or
more challenging than when you were
growing up?
Google is amazing, but oftentimes I find
myself overanalyzing the problem at hand.
What is the most surprising thing you have
found wedged between the sofa cushions
or behind a car seat?
I can always find a hair tie.
Your biggest wish for your kids is…
To grow up to be happy in whatever they
decide they want to do or be. The sky's the
No one works harder than
We know that being a mom is a full-time
job. Tell us about your work outside of the
home with Security Monster.
I started working with my husband in business
development and accounts receivable. I love
our community and building strong
relationships and networking.
What have you learned professionally that
has helped you as a mom?
Keeping your commitment.
All moms want to keep their families safe.
What’s your number one security advice for
I believe everyone should have a security
alarm in their house for peace-of-mind,
especially if you have a latchkey kid. If you
have a latchkey kid, have a set rule or code
word when they arrive home so you know
they’re safe.
Tell us about a recent achievement you’re
proud of or a personal passion or talent.
Ryan and I being together for 21 years and
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